Metroid Dread Report Vol. 6: A deep dive into the latest trailer

Welcome to the Metroid Dread Report! This series will introduce the newest information on Metroid Dread for Nintendo Switch and the world of the Metroid series, along with behind-the-scenes glimpses from the game’s development team.
The latest trailer for Metroid Dread is out! It introduces a few of Samus Aran’s brand new abilities and some of the mysterious terrors lurking in the shadows of planet ZDR. In this edition of the Metroid Dread Report, we’ll take a closer look at some of these new elements – let’s get started!
If you haven't already, you can watch the new trailer below:
Samus arrives on planet ZDR
The new trailer shows Samus under attack from powerful enemies and new terrors on planet ZDR. What's more, a mysterious figure strikes soon after she arrives.
~Transmission from the dev team~
"If you’ve watched the 'Glimpse of Dread' clip in the last report, you may have noticed that the place where Samus finds herself under attack is the same place as where she unexpectedly collapsed after landing on the planet.
"Yes, you guessed it right: Samus was defeated by a mysterious opponent and, as a result, lost almost all of her abilities. As her mission begins, she's suffering from (as one might say) 'ability amnesia'.
"How was Samus spared from certain death and why was she left behind? You'll have to play Metroid Dread to discover the truth with your own eyes!"
Who stands before Samus?
The figure who attacked Samus appears to be a Chozo. The Chozo were a highly intelligent and technologically advanced species who believed their purpose was to spread peace throughout the galaxy. Eventually, the Chozo civilization reached a breaking point, and living Chozo are now rarely seen.
The Chozo are essentially peaceful and mild mannered, but Galactic Federation records also indicate the existence of 'Chozo warriors'.
~Transmission from the dev team~
"While many remnants of Chozo civilization have appeared in prior Metroid games – including technologies and statues – this is the first game in which an actual, living Chozo appears. But just who is this Chozo that battles Samus so fiercely?
"In addition, the video shows what appears to be a Chozo warrior as well as combat robots with a striking resemblance to the Chozo. We have a feeling they will pose a formidable challenge for Samus."
Abilities on display
The video introduces several of Samus’ new and returning abilities and weapons. Let’s take a closer look at them.
Flash Shift
Samus can travel a set distance – forward or backward, while on the ground or in the air – in an instant. This can be done consecutively up to three times. It's handy for exploration and combat alike, but uses Aeion energy.
Pulse Radar
With this Aeion ability, Samus can emit special soundwaves to scan her immediate surroundings and pinpoint breakable blocks.
Grapple Beam
A rope-like beam that can connect to specific points. This lets Samus swing across gaps or manipulate parts of the environment, such as pulling on an obstacle. She can also fire it at blue magnetic surfaces, pull herself to the point of contact, and latch on.
Ice Missile
A missile that has a freezing effect. Samus can easily destroy frozen enemies with follow-up attacks, and some enemies can even be used as platforms.
Storm Missile
This lets Samus launch multiple small missiles in quick succession. Lock onto up to five targets at a time using Free Aim, then unleash it to fire three missiles at each target.
Cross Bomb
This powerful bomb explodes in four directions.
Speed Booster
After a running start, Samus will pick up the pace and sprint at great speed. She can then smash through certain obstacles and deal damage to enemies in her path.
Once Samus has reached her Speed Booster state, she can use this ability to send herself soaring on a straight trajectory in the direction of her choosing. When soaring, she can blast through certain obstacles and deal great damage to enemies.
Screw Attack
During a Spin Jump, Samus surrounds herself with a powerful energy that can damage enemies and shatter certain obstacles she leaps into.
~Transmission from the dev team~
"There are so many new and returning abilities revealed in this trailer! It may be difficult to wrap your head around everything shown if you only watch it once, so we suggest watching the trailer again after reading this report.
"In particular, the abilities for traversal are much improved when compared to previous Metroid games. We think you’ll be able to enjoy a variety of ways to explore the map with them. For example, you can use Speed Booster in combination with wall jumping and sliding. The places where you can do this may surprise you, and we hope you try lots of different things during your adventure."
Even more powerful enemies
The trailer includes other notable scenes, too. For example, you can spot a giant monster that appears to be Kraid, a beast Samus has fought in previous Metroid games. You can also see robots created by the Chozo, as well as gigantic aquatic creatures.
~Transmission from the dev team~
"Just like in previous games, there is a rich variety of enemies standing in Samus’ way. In particular, there are many different types of bosses. The key to victory against such enemies is to carefully observe their behaviours and create an appropriate attack plan."
Next time…
In the next Metroid Dread Report, we'll take a closer look at the mysterious Chozo. Please look forward to it in the near future!
Haven't yet read the previous Metroid Dread Report? Go here to check it out now.
Don't forget, you can join the Nintendo Switch UK community on Facebook or follow @NintendoUK on Twitter for updates on Samus' upcoming mission. There's also more about the game on the official Metroid Dread gamepage ahead of its release on October 8th.