Next, do you want to move all of your download software during the transfer?
Please note: the Nintendo 3DS system that data is being transferred from is referred to as the ‘source' system. The New Nintendo 3DS system/New Nintendo 2DS XL that data is being transferred to is referred to as the ‘target' system.
Please select your answer by clicking one of the buttons below.

If you transfer all data, your Nintendo Network ID, Nintendo eShop account and friend list will be transferred via the internet. All other data will be transferred via local wireless. (This could take a long time)

Please note: if you select 'Yes', the process takes approximately 2 hours for a 4 GB SD card.
If you transfer limited data, your Nintendo Network ID, Nintendo eShop account and friend list will be transferred via the internet. You will need to redownload your software on the target system once the transfer is complete. (You can continue to use the same save data when you redownload your software)