Find your sea legs with ten tips for Mario & Luigi: Brothership

Ready to hit the high seas for a new adventure with Mario and Luigi? Then be sure to check out the range of tips for Mario & Luigi: Brothership below to help get your quest off on the right foot!
1. Find those hidden goodies!
Found a dead end or a seemingly empty platform with nothing to do? Don’t move on just yet! Look closely and if you see a glint overhead, try jumping up to find a hidden ? Block with a useful item inside. There’s a rumour that they're easier to spot if you’re somewhere with rainy conditions…

2. Treat each battle as a learning experience
Every enemy you encounter has a ‘tell’ – a way of knowing not just how they’re going to attack, but who as well! Hydro Seedles spin in the same direction they’ll attack, Soreboars scratch the ground a set number of times before charging, Drillbys will glance at either Mario or Luigi before diving underground…the list goes on. Just watch and learn, then time your defence, dodge or counter-attack!

3. Revisit previously-explored places
Reconnecting an island doesn’t mean you’re done with it! Be sure to nip back to places you’ve already visited, and check the map to find new paths to explore or side quests to complete. You’ll also find Sprite Bulbs to collect, which are handy for making your own Battle Plugs later in the adventure.

4. Check your progress regularly
If you’re ever unsure how to move forward, check the Main Story page from your Adventure Log on the pause menu for a summary of what to do next. It’ll also give you an idea of the level Mario and Luigi should be at to proceed – if you’re not strong enough, try revisiting islands to battle more enemies to help level up and earn coins to spend on gear and items.

5. Choose the bonus that’s right for you
Speaking of levelling up, you’ll earn a Rank-Up Bonus to enhance Mario and Luigi’s stats even further at set levels. It’s best to pick a bonus that compliments how you play. Want faster levelling? An extra slot for gear? Increased stats? You decide…but don’t worry, any you don’t choose can still be picked next time round!

6. Don’t ignore side quests!
Along the way, you’ll meet all sorts of people who need help. You don’t have to lend a hand, but the rewards you’ll receive – including powerful gear and items – will definitely make it worth your time. Watch out for side quests marked in red though, as they’ll disappear if you go too far ahead in the main story!

7. Take on some challenges
From your Adventure Log on the pause menu, you can access the Challenges list – 29 unique goals, each of which provides useful items and stat-enhancing Beans when achieved. Completing them will take some effort, but it’s worth it if you want to enhance Mario and Luigi’s stats!

8. Travel the seas of Concordia quickly!
Once you unlock the ability to use faster sailing on Shipshape Island while in the Lushgreen Sea, be sure to use it! Even when moving across each sea quickly, you won’t be in danger of missing out – once you near an undiscovered island or reef, Shipshape Island will automatically slow down so you can scan the horizon with the cannon.

9. Get advice on how you’re doing
A trio of new faces will appear on Shipshape Island as you near the Great Lighthouse in the Lushgreen Sea. They’ll advise on your current level and gear, so be ready to spend some time and coins improving both if they’re not up to the trials ahead! They can also highlight things to do on islands you’ve already connected.

10. Look for strange things as you explore
Have you spotted any reefs carved into interesting shapes? Maybe you’ve even uprooted a Grampy Turnip while exploring the islands? Finding either of these can lead to rewards! The more of each you find, the more goodies you can claim from Issa Rock and the golden Grampy Turnip respectively on Shipshape Island.

There are plenty of islands to discover as you sail the seas of Concordia – your journey is only just beginning! Find out more about Mario and Luigi’s latest adventure over on the Mario & Luigi: Brothership gamepage.