Five ways to prepare for MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak!

A new hunt in a far-off land awaits in the massive DLC expansion MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak, launching June 30th on Nintendo Switch. Whether you’re a fresh-faced hunter still making your way through the base game or a seasoned veteran who’s feeling a little rusty, here are five things you should do in MONSTER HUNTER RISE before jumping into Sunbreak.*
1: Save Kamura Village!
Before departing for the Elgado Outpost, MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak’s all-new continent, you’ll need to wrap up any unfinished business in Kamura Village. Most importantly, you’ll need to complete the 7★ Hub Quest: Serpent Goddess of Thunder.
Need some help getting though the base game's quests? We’ve got just the thing!
2: Load up on freebies!
Pay a visit Senri the Mailman in Kamura Village to claim a bevy of free weapons, armor and other goodies designed to give your hunter a little extra pep!** Be sure to try out the Defender weapon set, powerful versions of all 14 weapon types, and the Black Belt armor set that buffs your defensive capabilities and includes useful skills that increase your attack power or health recovery. Check out the video above for more info on these nifty freebies.
3: Catch up on these Event Quests…
Now’s as good a time as any to catch up on any Event Quests you’ve missed!** Rewards from these special missions will help you unlock neat spoils for you and your buddies, such as layered armor, new poses, stickers, titles and more!
Check out the full list of available Event Quests here
4: …don’t forget these collabs too!
Certain Event Quests will net you materials to craft special armor sets based on popular videogame series. Don the “Akuma” layered armor from Street Fighter, garb your Palamute in the “Ammy Costume” layered armor from Okami, or transform your Palico into Sonic the Hedgehog!
5: Throw a monster mash!
You’ll want to score some new armor and weapons to prepare for Sunbreak’s challenging Master Quests. As it happens, new monsters have been added to MONSTER HUNTER RISE since launch, including fearsome Elder Dragons like Chameleos, Kushala Daora, Teostra and Crimson Glow Valstrax.
With these tips, you’re sure to find plenty of monster huntin’ fun to get stuck into ahead of Sunbreak, launching on June 30th. Visit our MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak gamepage for more information about this massive DLC expansion.
*A copy of MONSTER HUNTER RISE (European Version) for Nintendo Switch is required to play MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak. Free software update required. Broadband internet connection required to download software updates. The registration and linkage of Nintendo Account and acceptance of the Nintendo Account Agreement and Privacy Policy are required. Find out more about how to update games on Nintendo Switch.
**Software update required. Broadband internet connection required to download software updates. The registration and linkage of a Nintendo Account and acceptance of the Nintendo Account Agreement is required. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies.